Other Organizations

Address: 14 Herkimer Street Mastic , NY 11950
Mailing Address:
Contact Person: Wendy Falanga Smalls
Phone: 631-874-9100
Fax: 631-874-5434
Website: https://www.facebook.com/pages/NANAs-House-Never-Alone-Never-Afraid-Inc/164477706972345
Services Provided:

Advocates for and provides a full range of services for homeless families and dependents. Provides temporary housing, intensive services, and education as well as ongoing case management and social work.

Eligibility Requirements: Must be a family and must have a Department of Social Services referral
Hours of Operation: Shelter: 24 hrs./7 days a week. Office: Mon. - Fri. - 9 am - 5 pm
Not for Profit: Yes

Other Organizations