Located on the main floor, this department provides materials and services to everyone older than 18. Department staff members promote discovery and enrichment for adults by providing resources, technologies and experiences for lifelong learning.
One exciting tool the department uses to fulfill its mission is Lynda.com, an online video-tutorial library featuring thousands of instructional and professional development tutorials, including software and web application tutorials.The department also offers free career counseling, small business mentoring, computer classes and technology instruction.
The department has audiobooks on CD, DVDs (including documentaries, how-to videos and foreign language films), large print books, automotive repair books, an entire section with career and business books and magazines, Civil Service and other standardized test study guides, and a local history collection.
Reference and Adult Services offers programs for senior citizens, including tax counseling, game club, AARP defensive driving and appointments with a senior advocate who assists with applications for SSI, food stamps, Medicare/Medicaid, senior ID cards, HEAP benefits, IT214 and other vital senior concerns.