We have the following databases available to library cardholders to assist your search!

Ancestry Plus

With over 1.2 billion records in over 3,000 databases, AncestryPlus is the most comprehensive online source of information for conducting genealogical and local history research available.

In Library | Home Use


Browse historical military records.

In Library | Home Use


Presents Federal Census records plus searchable family histories.

In Library | Home Use


Provides access to thousands of databases—including birth, death, military, census, and parish records- which makes it easier to fill in the missing information in your family tree.

In Library | Home Use

New York Amsterdam News

New York Amsterdam News 1922-1993. The New York Amsterdam News became one of the nation’s leading black newspapers and one of New York’s most influential black-owned institutions. It is a great resource for both news and genealogy.

In Library | Home Use