MMSCL’s Adult Reference Department has a robust collection of books, videos, audio books and DVDs to celebrate the season, and right now, all three branches are highlighting special holiday displays.
From classic films like It’s a Wonderful Life to 2023 Oscar winner The Holdovers, we’ve grouped together hundreds of DVDs for your holiday enjoyment. Grinches, elves, musical romps and dance numbers will fill the screens of your television or mobile device this season, as will “angels” and “spirits” like Dolly Parton’s taxicab driver / divine messenger in Unlikely Angel.
“Feel good” stories of the season by Debbie Macomber and Jan Karon will make your season bright; plus, our bookshelves are bursting with over 200 romance novels, waiting to make you believe in holiday enchantment.
For mystery lovers, we have a multitude of Mary Higgins Clark books, like her Christmas caper Santa Cruise, a Holiday Mystery at Sea. You say you’re an Ann Perry fan? We’ve pulled together no less than 15 Ann Perry books with holiday-driven plots, plus, we’ve added lots of other mystery writers to the shelves to make the literary tinsel more tantalizing. “Cozy” culinary murder mystery authors love to use Christmas and Hanukkah as springboards for recipes such as stollens, fruitcakes, sufganiyot (delicious fried jelly donuts eaten during Hannukah), and of course, Christmas cookies.
Speaking of Christmas cookies, we have cookbooks galore on baking and entertainment for the holidays. For a twist on the usual, try Christmas with Kim-Joy, A Festive Collection of Edible Cuteness to spark your creative genius in the holiday vegan cookie department. How about upping the wow on your dessert menu with recipes from Jewish Holiday Baking: inspired recipes for Rosh Hashanah, Hanukkah, Purim, Passover, and more, by Uri Scheft? But wait – you’ve gone gluten-free? Then turn out some Gluten-free Cookies (by gluten-free maven Alice Medrich).
“Homemade” food and decorations are synonymous with the holiday season: we yearn for hand-constructed ornaments, mittens, garlands, and jewelry. You’ll find inspiration for crafting Christmas-themed decorations at all three branches. We’re featuring books on pompoms, paper ornaments, beading, gold-leafing, photo jewelry, crocheting, and knitting all manner of homespun gifts. How about experimenting with a western theme? Shanna Hatfield shows you how in A Cowboy Christmas.
Crafting candles, menorahs and the 7-candled Kwanzaa kinara is a celebratory way to bring in this season of light. In fact, in 2024, there is a beautiful alignment of all three holidays: Christmas and Hanukkah share December 25th, while Kwanzaa begins December 26th.
So, come visit our holiday displays! If we don’t have what you want, we can help you find it. And don’t forget about Libby and Kanopy. You can download movies and books for your airport layover, or just enjoy watching in front of our new fireplace at 407.
Happy holidays from your Reference and Adult Services Department!