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Unwind (Series)

In a future world where those between the ages of thirteen and eighteen can have their lives “unwound” and their body parts harvested for use by others. Three teens go to extreme lengths to uphold their beliefs, and, perhaps, save their own lives. Grades 9-up.


In the year 2113, seventeen-year-old Jenna Strong is helped to escape from Mileway Maximum Security Prison outside London in order to help destroy ACID, the most brutal and controlling police force in history. Grades 8-up.

Subject Seven

Years ago, scientists began developing the ultimate military weapon: deadly sleeper assassins housed within the bodies of teenagers. Now Subject Seven, the dangerous alter-ego living inside a 16-year-old boy, has escaped the lab and is on a mission. His objective? To seek out others like him and build an army capable of destroying their creators. […]