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The Stars Never Rise

In a world ruled by the brutally puritanical Church and its army of black-robed exorcists, sixteen-year-old Nina tries to save her pregnant younger sister from the Church’s wrath and discovers that not only is the Church run by demons but that Nina herself is one of the very few who can genuinely exorcise them. Grades […]

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

Violet is in love with River, a mysterious seventeen-year-old stranger renting the guest house behind the rotting seaside mansion where Violet lives, but when eerie, grim events begin to happen, Violet recalls her grandmother’s frequent warnings about the devil and wonders if River is evil. Grades 9 and up.

Witch Eyes

After a terrifying vision, Braden retreats to an old city divided by two feuding witch dynasties, where he learns that the head of one dynasty is his father and the guy for whom he is falling is the son of the head of the other dynasty. Grades 9 and up.