Other Organizations

Address: 2 Coraci Blvd Shirley , NY 11967
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 391 Shirley , NY 11967
Contact Person: Differs depending on services needed
Phone: 631-281-4461
Fax: 631-281-4258
Website: http://www.colonialyfs.com/
E-mail: info@colonialyfs.com
Services Provided:

Serves youth and families in the Mastics, Moriches and Shirley Community. Provides a broad array of services including: counseling, crisis intervention, social services, childcare, recreation and teen parenting. The range of services is broad; please feel free to contact them with questions.


Child care information phone number: 631-878-5049

Eligibility Requirements: Youth and Family
Hours of Operation:
Not for Profit: Yes

Other Organizations